
Business Insights

Bookkeeping, accounting, and tax tips to help you grow your business better.

Jacquet Curtis Jacquet Curtis

Financial Assistance for Alaskan Businesses

Well Alaska, it does not look like the tourism industry is going to pick up. I know we were all hoping Covid-19 would disappear so we could, at least partially, reclaim our summer. I know there are a lot of Alaskan businesses that are afraid of the coming winter as the summer is what carries us through. There are still some options for assistance so don’t give up yet.

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Jacquet Curtis Jacquet Curtis

Local Alaskan Businesses You Should Support During Covid-19

As we all know, Alaskans are survivors. We have all weathered different types of storms and are still standing. That being said, these are new and uncertain times. Many small Alaskan businesses have already closed their doors due to the loss of income during this pandemic. Other businesses are barely hanging on.

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